EQuIP Programme Cycle
EQuIP member organisations are guided by the DAA Group through the EQuIP programme cycle, comprising self-assessments, organisation-wide survey (OWS), and a periodic review. Organisations need to assess their achievements and outcomes regularly to improve performance. Using a self-assessment tool, organisations can continually update and review their performance against the EQuIP standards.

EQuIP Accreditation
EQuIP (Evaluation and Quality Improvement Programme) is an accreditation programme that addresses the essential elements of quality care across the organisational functions integral in supporting the provision of care.
The programme – aimed at health care organisations in Australia, New Zealand, Asia and the Middle East – provides appropriate management tools, including industry approved standards and self-assessment processes, to identify opportunities for improvement and assistance.
Your organisation has the assurance that its services conform to industry standards and confidence in being customer focused. For example:
Trust in staff accountability to respond appropriately to the people receiving care
Confidence that clients remain informed and involved in planning their health care
Certainty that staff are empowered to improve the delivery of service and care with a focus on safety first, and then quality improvement
Reassurance that staff are equipped with a rigorous approach to continuing improvement
Capability to minimise and manage risks, and provide evidence of quality outcomes
EQuIP accreditation provides your organisation with the competencies to excel and lead in service delivery across the health sector. It encourages your organisation to stretch through data evaluation and analysis, projects to improve outcomes, and – finally – the standard encourages your organisation to be a leader in your field.
EQuIP Standards
The standards are separated into ‘functions’.
Function 1 – The Clinical Function sets out the standards that are mostly associated with clinical care, including continuity of care, access, appropriateness, effectiveness, safety, and consumer focus.
Function 2 – The Support Function contains those standards and criteria, which all providers should work together to achieve, including quality improvement and risk management, human resources management, information management, population health, and research.
Function 3 – The Corporate Function identifies those standards and criteria for which the governing body and senior executives of the organisation are responsible, including leadership and management, and safe practice and environment.
Benefits of EQuIP Membership
For people receiving your care, EQuIP provides:
A defined process to move your organisation from set-up to being a leader in your sector
Assurance that your service conforms to industry standards
Comfort in the knowledge that your staff are accountable for their care
Trust in staff ability to respond appropriately to their needs
Security in the knowledge that systems are in place to identify, and resolve or minimise problems
Confidence that clients remain informed and involved in planning for their health care
A process that builds on what you have to take you to a new level.
EQuIP means the people working in your organisation are:
Empowered to improve the delivery of service and care
Assisted by defined steps leading you to meet the standard
Encouraged to focus on safety and then quality improvement with examples provided to support you
Supported by surveyors who also look at the next steps, making recommendations to guide you
Provided with benchmarks for quality outcomes
Equipped with a rigorous approach to continuing improvement
Provided a comprehensive report for your organisation’s continuous improvement
Provided recommendations to guide the stretch to the next steps for your organisation
For people who fund your service, EQuIP provides:
Assurance that your organisation operates according to industry standards
Confidence that your organisation is customer focused
Evidence of quality outcomes
Confidence in the way your organisation minimises and manages risk
Better value for the money spent on health
Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS) offers:
Clinical Indicator Programme
A health data repository, providing an analysis and reporting service on the processes and outcomes of health care for your organisation
Reporting on 359 clinical indicators
Providing a clinical perspective on national and regional clinical outcomes
Allows your organisation to rate your performance against your peers and identify areas for improvement