The DAA Group offers two streams of certification:
Ministry of Health Certification
DAA Group Certification
See the below table for further information on these two streams.

Government Compliance
(Ministry of Health Certification Audit)
NZS8134:2021 Ngā Paerewa Health and Disability Services (HDSS):
Contract audits are undertaken for many sectors in conjunction with the Ngā Paerewa Health and Disability Service Standard.
Certification Audit Standards
AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems requirements (non accredited)
NZS8134:2021 Ngā Paerewa HDSS (Home and Community Support Services)
NZS 8151:2015 Urgent Care Standard
NZS 8164:2005 Day-Stay Surgery and Procedures Standard
NZS 8156:2008 Ambulance Service Sector Standard
NZS 8171:2005 Allied Health Services Sector Standard
NZS 8165:2005 Rooms/Office Based Surgery and Procedures Standard
NZS8134:2021 Ngā Paerewa HDSS (for non-MoH certificated services)
Retirement Villages Code of Practice
The ACC Requirements for Physiotherapy and Hand Therapy Services December 2018
Dementia Friendly Recognition Programme
Further information on Standards
If you are not sure which certifications are applicable for your organisation, you are welcome to contact us. We are happy to help you make the right choice. You can also view the industry specific pages which can help guide you.
Standards for each of the above are available from Standards New Zealand. Standards New Zealand produces a range of guidelines and workbooks to help identify risk, quality management improvements and safety issues. Contact Standards New Zealand on 0800 735 656, or email info@standards.co.nz.