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In memory of Liz Faid

DAA Group

Dear friends

It is with sadness that we inform you that our valued colleague and wise, lovely friend, Liz Faid passed away on Saturday.

Liz was part of the DAA Group since its inception coming up 20 years ago. She first worked with Janice, then with Janice and Cathy, and since 2011 with all of the Groupies that have come and gone, and stayed since then.

She fulfilled many roles within the DAA Group including Janice’s PA, client manager and Christchurch office manager. She was always a wonderful support and mentor to both Janice and Cathy.

Many of you will know that Liz was diagnosed with cancer nearly three years ago. She did not want anyone to describe the last few years as a ‘battle’ for her. She is an amazingly strong and courageous woman who has lived her life with grace and kindness.

Her funeral will be on Friday, 2 June at 11am. Moe mai rā, Liz. Rest in peace.


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